Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Family reunion 2001

1. The seven of us - (Back row L-R) Joy, Barb, Chris, Anna (Front row) Jane, Frank, Marion
2. The family at Mt Tamborine
3. The younger generation (Hannah White and Rachael Andrews and baby Harry were not present for the photo)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

1965 - 1970

This is a quick sketch of Dad, which I did when we were having a holiday at Tamborine. He was dosing off - said he didn't think it looked much like him! Joy

We lined up for this photo at Redland Bay in 1967.



1. Joy and Marion with baby Chrissy
2. Mum with Barbara and Annette
3. Mum holding Annette
Marion and Joy (the 'biggies') ready for school
Frank and Jane (the 'twinnies') with the car
and little Barbara with the wheelbarrow. (Barb, Anna and Chris were the 'littlies')

The early 1950s

Marion and Joy on a sea turtle, 1954
Marion and Joy, 1951
Mum with Marion, Joy and the twins, 1952

Letter written by our mother, to her mother, from Bamaga, N Queensland
C/o D.N.A. [Department of Native Affairs]

My dear Mum and Dad,

There is a boat going to T.I. [Thursday Island] and so I want to send you a short note to let you know we are safely home again.

Before I left T.I. I received your letter saying that you had not received the Telegram. I was sorry to hear that, as I was trying to save you any worry. I went to the Post Office after your letter arrived and checked up. It left the P.O. at 2.10 pm on Friday 29th (the day Annette was born), so where it got to, I don’t know. However, they said they would make inquiries about it.

I am getting back into routine again and have started teaching Marion once more. The baby is settling down too, and is putting on weight. She is always ready for her food, so that’s a good sign. I have enough for her in the a.m. but sometimes have to give her a bottle in the afternoon. I don’t know how I would get on without Barka. She has just been wonderful. She has improved such a lot since we took her to T.I. She loves little Barbara and really she is the Lord’s provision for me, at this time. She has scrubbed the house out today and is still going strong.

Well, we can always count our blessings, can’t we?

The children are all downstairs playing. I want to make a cake for the twins birthday tomorrow. They will be three years old. You won’t know them when you see them.

Yes, Mum, I am very glad you can take us for a week or so in February. No, we are not coming early now. The earliest we think will be the February “Elsanna”, but we are not even sure of that, as the boat may be in dock. So we will let you know as soon as possible.

I have four mosquito nets of my own (nearly all on their last legs!!) but they will help out so don’t buy any new ones for us. We have plenty of sheets and pillow cases and towels too, so I can pack them all where I can get at them easily.

Now I really mus’n’t stop any longer, or there will be no “party” tomorrow for the twins.
Love to all, trusting you are all well,
Your loving daughter, Ella.

P.S. Frank met me at the jetty with the Jeep and brought me home last Thursday. I wasn’t sea-sick as it was a calm day.

[This letter must have been sent not long before Grandma Davidson died. She was gone before we got back to Brisbane. -M]

Frank and Ella

Frank and Ella White were married in Shanghai, China in 1947.
Frank had been a missionary with the China Inland Mission since 1939, and was seconded to the British Army during the War. Ella Davidson went to China as a missionary nurse, also with the China Inland Mission, after the war. They met for the first time in China, although each had met the other's families. Ella's family lived in Wilston, a suburb of Brisbane, and Frank's family lived in Redland Bay.